To launch a website you need to start with buying a domain name and taking a web hosting plan from a trusted and reputed web hosting company. Choosing the right web hosting company for the website is a crucial task and you must ensure that your website has a sufficient space that can easily isolate the resources that are required for the website. At the same time comparing different web hosting plans we check their capacity, bandwidth, uptime, security features, activation time, etc. On the contrary, how can one know that they have exceeded their current hosting plan and need an upgrade?
As a website becomes older, more resources and functionalities are added to it. Alright to keep the website secure and speedy, it is essential to upgrade the website at the right time to ensure uninterrupted services. If you’re in a dilemma whether you need to upgrade your web hosting plan or should continue with the same old one, here are some important signs that you need to consider while upgrading your web hosting plan.
More traffic coming your way:
Huge traffic on the website is the primary motto of any website owner but one thing that they are afraid of is the website going down due to the heavy traffic. While choosing a hosting plan from web hosting companies, the site owners should keep in mind the average number of visitors that their website might receive every day. The website might experience a heavier footfall due to a result of SEO or digital marketing then upgrading the hosting plan to a dedicated one would be the smart choice. Generally, shared hosting offers the limit of up to 10,000 visitors or page views every day.
How VPS hosting can help?
For your website if you have initiated new campaigns to increase the traffic or implemented new mediums to promote your website then you must upgrade the hosting plan accordingly. VPS hosting handles the traffic smoothly and it ensures that your site loads instantly all the time.
Website can’t handle peak hour traffic:
If the overall performance and loading speed of the website gets slow as soon as more traffic appears, may be a sign that your website needs an upgraded web hosting solution. The website should load instantly, not more than 3 seconds as a single second of delay in loading can divert the visitors. In the shared hosting scenario, a website tends to slow down due to the heavy traffic as the RAM and CPU on the server are used by other websites too. Additionally, it may happen that some websites on the same server might take up or drench more RAM and CPU that might make your website to load.
How VPS hosting can help?
If the traffic level increases on the website then it might overwhelm or even crash the system. On the other hand, with VPS hosting UK, one gets a dedicated server that is allotted only for your website. If the traffic gets increased at any time then it would be a smooth walk for a dedicated server to handle.
No room for customization:
One of the crucial pitfalls of shared hosting is that customization is not possible in this type of hosting. If the website owner wants to add new applications then you can’t add those applications directly into it. So in that case, upgrading the hosting plan is the only option left.
How VPS hosting can help?
In the shared hosting environment, there’s no control over the website and the type of customization. On the contrary, with VPS hosting, one gets full control from the admin or root level that allows the owners to make any kind of modifications to the website they want.
Insufficient space for new resources:
Memory is one of the important features that forces the website owners to move their website to an upgraded server due to the shortage of memory. At the time of adding new content or adding new elements and resources to the website, the memory might cut short. This not only restricts you from adding new features and functionalities to your website but also makes it slow over time. By the time each website requires to add more resources, files, pages, etc. and get more activity by users, which might need some extra space.
How VPS hosting can help?
VPS hosting serves you a higher disk space that is dedicatedly reserved for the files, software, pages, and other resources added on your website. VPS hosting offers disk space ranging from 30GB to 240GB and much more.
Increased vulnerability to cyber attacks:
If your website is going through any type of security breach or cyberattacks like phishing scams, ransom wares, malware threat then it is a sign that your web hosting provider is not offering the security features that your website needs and it is the right time to upgrade it. As a website gets older, it collects more and more data of its users and in the end more vulnerable to threats. Shared hosting won’t offer the security features to safeguard your website.
How VPS hosting can help?
VPS hosting offers you various security features like two-factor authentication, security plugins, website scanners, and other security app integration to offer more layers of security to your website. By upgrading, the hosting will prevent your website from being the next victim of cyber-attack.
By considering the above mentioned signs to upgrade your web hosting plan, there are various web hosting companies out there in an online market from which you can choose any one that fulfills all your requirements. MilesWeb is one of the best web hosting companies that offers various web hosting services such as shared hosting, UK Windows VPS hosting, reseller hosting, dedicated hosting, etc. at an affordable price.
The list of standard VPS hosting features offered by MilesWeb is as follows:
- Full Root SSH Access
- IPv4
- PHP / Perl / Python
- SSD Storage
- rDNS / PTR Records
- Django / FFMpeg / Ruby on Rails
- Host Unlimited Domains
- Crontab Access
- JSP / Tomcat / Java / Node.js
- Host Unlimited Sub-Domains
- Secure Shell (SSH)
- MySQL / MongoDB / MariaDB
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Ruby Version Manager (RVM)
- Apache / Nginx / LiteSpeed
- Subversion Repository (SVN)
- XCache / Varnish
- Access to Raw Log Files
So if you want to upgrade your hosting plan for your business website then MilesWeb would be the ideal choice for you.