When the world was hit by a devastating virus, many people lost trust in big name communications and internet companies. However, mobile communication has proven to be a much stronger platform for transmitting important information and it has also been a good source of refuge for those who have experienced natural disasters in their home country. It is with this thought that most large companies now employ mobile compliance specialists to ensure that they are complying with all applicable laws and regulations. The following tips for effective communications monitoring during pandemic outbreaks should prove to be extremely useful to those in charge of mobile compliance:
Mobile compliance experts need to closely monitor phone calls and other mobile devices used by individuals and companies. They need to make sure that all phones have up to date security certificates and that there is regular testing performed on each handset to ensure that it is complying with all recommended security settings. Ensuring that mobile devices to stay up to date with recommended security settings will also help prevent hackers from exploiting a smartphone or tablet. Hackers are interested in mobile devices because they are cheap and easy to obtain.
In order to secure a smartphone or tablet, one may use the Google Application Manager to acquire all necessary software needed to run specific apps. This will allow for communication between smartphones or tablet computers and the company using them. It is important to remember that in order to use these apps, mobile devices must be rooted. This means that the user has to apply the official android OS image through their computer’s USB port, which gives the device access to all applications. This is important for ensuring that mobile compliance is met. It will also prevent third-party companies from installing malware or other harmful programs onto company mobile phones.
Read further to know more about the effective ways to monitor communications during pandemic on this infographic from Telemessage.