Advantages of PHP Language in Web Application Development

PHP is a general purpose HTML- embedded scripting language basically designed to allow web developers for web development to create dynamic web pages quickly. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor but it originally stand for “Personal Home Page”. Nowadays PHP language is becoming the most popular programming language everywhere which is basically used for web application development. It is one on the hottest scripting language into today’s technology world. There are lots of advantages or benefits of using PHP language for web application development to create dynamic web pages. PHP is widely used for both front-end and back-end web development, and most employers will require knowledge of PHP development tools.

The very first advantage of using PHP language for web application development is that it can be completely installed free as it is open source development so you do not have to pay for it and also it is easily installed in all platforms and mixed with html. It also supports almost all major operating system like Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, etc. Another advantage of PHP programming language is that it is user friendly and simple, easy to understand as compared to other programming languages like, c and c++; that are the reason why many business people preferred to use PHP language because it draws more traffic towards your website. Another big advantage of using PHP Programming language is versatile as it supports the various databases like Oracle, Sybase and MySQL to name some which shows that it is very resourceful. It becomes popular day by day because its functionalities can be changed as per the one’s requirements. Advantage of using a PHP is that you can build fast, secure and dynamic web portals, as it is the most compatible language. This language is easy to understand simple because its design and interface is very simple. It also provides you a security functions that are available with the technical support to make your application secure from virus and spyware attacks.

When we are thinking to design a dynamic web page, lots of factors come in our mind like scalability, flexibility, usability etc. PHP covering all these factors and make an effective dynamic we page according to the requirements. It also requires less processors space. Most of the web developers using a PHP for designing web pages because it can be manage lots of databases. PHP offers better performance, versatility, reliability, faster speed and efficiency as compared to other programming languages, which makes it popular among web developers. PHP’s main advantage is that it is totally free and you need not require investing in web application development process. PHP is compatible with servers like Apache and IIS which helps effectively in providing content from web server to client. You can also detect your error easily by PHP strong debugger engine. It also does not require any license so you can easily generate more revenues because it is free of cost. So PHP programming provides lots of advantages in web application development cycle.

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