All You Need to Know about Smart Grid System 

Today, the electrical power system is going through a radical transmogrification all across the globe with decarbonize electricity supply to replace the aging assets and control the natural resources with the help of new information and communication technologies. A smart grid system is must to provide easy integration and reliable service to the consumers. A smart grid system is a self-sufficient electricity network system based on digital automation technology for monitoring, control, and analysis within the supply chain. This system can find the solution to the problems very quickly in an existed system that can minimize the workforce and targets sustainable, reliable, safe and quality electricity to all the consumers. 

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What is Smart Grid Technology? 

The smart grid system can be defined as a smart electrical network that combines electrical network and smart digital communication technology. A smart grid is capable of providing electrical power from multiple and widely distributed sources, like from wind turbines, solar power systems, and possibly even plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. 

Smart Grid Components 

In order to achieve a modernized smart grid; a wide range of technologies must be developed and must be implemented too. These technologies are generally categorized into the following:

  • Intelligent Appliances

These appliances are capable of deciding when to consume energy on the basis of customer pre-set preferences. This can lead to reduced peak loads which have an impact on electricity generation costs. For instance, smart sensors, like the temperature sensor which is used in thermal stations to control the boiler temperature on the basis of pre-defined temperature levels.

  • Smart Power Meters

These meters provide a two-way communication between the power providers and the end user consumers to completely automate the billing data collections, detect the device failures and send the dispatch crews to the exact location as soon as possible. This will make your Corpus Christi utilities so much easier to manage and avoid any problems with your electrical system.

  • Smart Substations

Substations are included to monitor and control the non-critical and critical operational data like the power status, power factor performance, security, transformer status, etc. Smart substations are also necessary for dividing the path of electricity flow into many directions. Substations need large and very expensive equipment to operate, including transformers, switches, circuit breakers and several others. 

  • Super Conducting Cables

These cables are used to facilitate long distance power transmission, and automated monitoring and analysis tools that are capable of identifying faults itself or even predicting cable failures on the basis of real-time data weather, and the outage history. 

  • Integrated Communications 

The key to smart grid system is integrated communications. It must be as fast as the real-time needs of the system. Depending upon the need, many different technologies are used in the smart grid communication like wireless, cellular and BPL. 

Benefits of the Smart Grid System 

  • Integrate isolated technologies- smart grid system enables better energy management
  • Protective management of electrical network at times of emergency
  • Better demand, supply
  • Enhanced power quality
  • Reduce carbon emissions
  • Increase demand for energy
  • Renewables integration

Effective implementation of smart grid system might provide continuous electricity to consumers across India to a larger extent, even in remote locations, while eliminating the wastage of power units. Smart grid solutions would allow utilities to enhance the energy productivity and power reliability while enabling customers manage usage and costs through real time information exchange. It impacts all components of the power system like generation, transmission and distribution. Smart grids are undoubtedly the energy internet of the future. The engagement and cooperation of all the stakeholders is an essential first step. However, everybody has to work together and move at the same speed. 

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