Pc Cleaning: How To Take Care Of Your Computer And Its Hardware

Computers and its hardware like Synology DS216j for instance often lose performance after a while, become warm or noisy. Usually, this is due to the accumulation of dust and dirt inside the device, which accumulates with use. As a result, the computer components are no longer cooled by the airflow. Our PC service will dismantle your computer and professionally clean it.

Important:  Under no circumstances should you try to vacuum inside the device. Due to the high suction power of vacuum cleaners, this can lead to the fans over-rotating. These are then defective and must be replaced. Computers draw in more dust through ventilation than one would think. Just do a little test yourself and unscrew your PC lid. If your computer looks dusty, you should urgently have your PC cleaned by a professional.

Why Is PC Cleaning So Important?

The dust clogs the processor fan, among other things. As a result, the heat cannot be released into the environment, and heat builds up. The processor clocks down, and the PC works slower and slower. The same goes for the power supply. The dust clogs the power supply unit, making it difficult for the power supply unit to give off heat, and it wears out. The dust also hurts the mainboard. As the processor gets hotter than usual, the motherboard gets hotter too. The hotter the material, the higher the material stress and wear.

Conclusion:  In the best case, the computer works slower; in the worst case, there is a risk of overheating damage with a hard disk defect and data loss.

How Often Should You Have Your Computer/Laptop/Notebook Cleaned?

So that you can enjoy your computer for a long time, you should have the inside cleaned by a specialist every 2 years. If you work in a dusty environment, your device will need cleaning more often. In heavily soiled work environments, we recommend having the interior cleaned every 3-6 months. The power pack is freed of polluting dust, and the entire PC is blown out contactless with compressed air and vacuumed at the same time.

Can You Clean Your It Yourself?

You can, of course, clean the casing of your computer yourself. A professional should clean the inside of your computer. The sensitive electronic computer components must not be cleaned with water, as, for example, limescale residues or water could flow into the PC components. If you clean your EDP with a vacuum cleaner, on the one hand, you will never achieve such good results as with professional cleaning; on the other hand, you could damage the sensitive components.

What do experts do when cleaning a PC?

During cleaning, the power supply unit is also freed of polluting dust, and the entire PC is blown out contactless with compressed air, and the dust is extracted simultaneously. In addition, the thermal paste is renewed if necessary.

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